Friday, April 20, 2012

I like my vest

Undoubtedly denim is a red hot trend that has relocated itself from our legs and set up camp on our shoulders. I was delighted when I found this little vest for 12.97(holla! The sale racks have been gracious to me lately)! I admit it, I completely dig it and when the denim band wagon drove by I hopped right on. I'm really loving Spring fashion this year and can't get enough!

Here is how I'm planning on styling the vest later this week. I already have a orange skirt and will most likely shirt nap one of Matt's Ts :)
 Side note: When I think of denim I always think back to these two style offenders.
Do not commit a denim on denim crime. I consider it the biggest fashion faux pas one can commit.
I present my evidence above. It wasn't cool then, and you know you're laughing and agreeing it's not cool now. 


  1. I love the vest. I have a denim vest as well and I love wearing it!
    Super cute outfit! And I also really like the necklace. :)

  2. I think I've been afraid to try denim since the Britney/Justin catastrophe! haha
